Sunday, February 15, 2015

Topic - About Myself

Dear Student,

You will have to prepare a course outline and to prepare to speak about yourself in front of the class. You have to print two copies of your outline: one for yourself (you will be able to use it while you speak) and one for me (I will keep it in my file). If you still do not understand how to prepare a good speech outline, study an example below. I hope it will help you to focus your thoughts on the topic and deliver your speech in the best possible way. 

Here is an example of a good Speech Outline:

Name: ..................................................                  Signature: ...........................

ID: ..........................................                                    Major: .................................

Section: ........................                                                  Date: ...................................

About Myself

1.  My story: One day, ...…………………………………………………….............

2. Today, I will talk about... ……………………………………………..................

3. My hometown and my family:
A. My hometown is ................
1. Geography of my hometown: where it is located and why I love it so much
B. My family..................
1. My father and my mother: what they do
2. My sisters: what they do (study /work, how old they are)
3. My brothers: what they do (study /work, how old they are)

4. My school and my hobbies:
A. My school is one of the...
1. Primary school: I liked...................... and I did not like....................
2. Secondary school: I liked... and I did not like in school ........., and why.....
B. My hobbies and interests
1. Watching movies, photography, painting, travelling, sewing and reading
2. Why do I like ...................................................... so much? (Explain why)

5. My college................... I decided to study here because............................
A. I like the college and I learn English because… and I do not like because…
1. My major is about ..........................................................
2. The courses that I study - like - do not like / why?
3. College teachers (talk a little about them...)
B. English language
1. My English language strengths: ......................................................
2. My English language weaknesses: ......................................................
3. Why I need English: ..........................................................................

6. In conclusion, I would like to ......................................................................
A. I am a person who likes…............. .  I do not like….......... because…..........
B. My future plans: (1) ............................ (2)............................ (3).................. .
C. Thank you. Do you have any questions?